Let's make your book awesome!
Thank you for visiting Kenny Kiernan Books! A large part of my children's illustration work over the years has been in the realm of children's books, activity books, comics & graphic novels with 50+ (and counting) published works for established children's & educational publishers, self-published first-time authors, small businesses, corporations and non-profits.
I bring top-shelf professionalism coupled with kid-approved art skills honed by my continuing work as a go-to art provider to the biggest names in the toy industry such as Hasbro, Mattel, Funko, LEGO, Spin Master and many more.
My project management experience and efficient workflows ensure timely delivery with full transparency of work-in-progress and your approval at every milestone deliverable — from character design to thumbnail storyboards, to tight sketch and finished art files for production.
Please take a moment to browse my gallery on the homepage and the interior art spreads for each book to familiarize yourself with my past work — and feel free to visit the Kenny Kiernan Illustration & Design Studio website at www.kennyk.com for a deep-dive into my toy industry work.
I welcome all inquiries; please email me and tell me about your book. And let’s connect on LinkedIn for daily fun and cool art posts!
I look forward to working with you!